“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

– Matthew 10: 16 NKJV

Have you ever found yourself singing a song you know you did not intentionally learn? It might even be one that you wouldn’t normally listen to, but you heard it once or twice in passing and it stuck. That is the power of the media.

For the past few days, we have been learning about Christians in certain spheres of this world; the most prominent of which is the media. The media is a means of mass communication, which includes print, broadcasting, films, music, and the internet.

For many years, the devil has shaped society and culture by injecting his ideas and agenda into the world through the media. It has now become imperative that believers take up space in the media to sponsor our own agenda, the gospel.

Every believer is called to preach the gospel. Each one of us can push the gospel with whatever platform we have, beyond the walls of the church. By ‘platform’, this could be as basic as a social media account or as great as controlling media corporations. The point is to influence people through the media, propagating the truth of God’s word.

In case you’re wondering why you should even bother, here are two reasons:

Firstly, because the media is the quickest and easiest way to reach millions all over the world. Proverbs 4:23 highlights the role of the heart and its contents in determining one’s course in life. It is, therefore, impossible to deny that what we see and hear matters a great deal and can influence more than just our thoughts and beliefs.

A good example of the power of media is the CoComelon phenomenon. All a little child needs to hear is the intro tune of the cartoon, and he or she will come running to watch it. The content of this show has been broken down into acceptable, convincing, enjoyable, and easy-to-digest formats. This is an approach we can employ to our advantage. 

Another reason to be interested in what happens through the media is because of the Great Commission. For some of us, our God-given skills and passions already place us in media-related careers. That’s a good place to start pushing our godly agendas and influencing the world for Christ! Let God use your career and that space you occupy to His glory.

Having said that, your reaction to good and clean media should be to support it. You can do this with your money, your time, and your social media accounts. Not all of us might create or be able to sponsor financially, but everyone can share. Do all you can to encourage the propagation of God’s truth in the media.

Today, as you engage with any form of media, remember that you have an ulterior motive to proclaim God’s kingdom. Influence culture for Christ! 

Bible Reading Plan: 1 Samuel 7-8

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