Dear believer, God loves you and has empowered you to reflect His love in your relationships. Even when it is difficult, remember that you have the help of Love Himself.

Dear believer, God loves you and has empowered you to reflect His love in your relationships. Even when it is difficult, remember that you have the help of Love Himself.
It is quite fascinating that the Bible; a collection of many books written by many authors across different times in history, culminates into the love story of God to man in the…
It’s important to understand that God’s plan for the family is to love and nurture one another. However, the fall of man marred that plan. The first recorded murder in the Bible was between brothers—Cain, out of anger and jealousy, killed Abel
In today’s reading, we explore the events surrounding the moment when the disciples first received the promised Holy Spirit. Earlier, Jesus had instructed the disciples not to leave Jerusalem but to wait…
If you grew up in a home with siblings, you’ve likely heard the phrase, “Be your brother’s keeper”. It is the kind of reminder parents give when they expect you to stand up for your siblings. But what does it truly mean to be your brother’s keeper?
In today’s New Testament reading, we begin the book of Acts. As it’s name suggests, this book details the works of the apostle in the early church, after Christ’s ascension. It shows…
In today’s reading, we explore Matthew’s account of the resurrection, a significant event that serves as a foundation for the Christian faith. We have an assurance of eternal life because Jesus died…
Today’s New Testament reading introduces us to one of the most significant occurrences in history: the crucifixion and death of Jesus as recounted by Matthew. We witness the soldiers and Jews-the very…
Parenting is a huge sacrifice, something many people fail to fully appreciate until they become parents themselves. To honour and respect one’s parents is to show them that you see and value their labour over you-and God rewards this.