“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.” – Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV

Usually, a person’s last words carry significant weight and importance. They realize that they no longer have a lot of time to spend with the people they love, so they try to squeeze in the most important things that they feel like they need to communicate to those they leave behind.

At the advent of the early Church, Jesus had just died, been buried, and resurrected. After teaching the disciples for 40 days, He had one last opportunity to speak to them before His ascension, and His final words, which went on to be tagged “The Great Commission,” are captured in our anchor text today.

Jesus’s words show us the reason for the Church’s existence: to reach the lost and make disciples. This is the mission of the Church. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 tells us that the people who God reconciled to Himself are given the ministry of reconciliation. This means every believer is called to be part of God’s mission to save the lost.

God’s heart beats for the lost, and His desire is that none should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). The church is His chosen instrument to reach out to the world by sharing the message of the gospel. A mission-minded church understands this divine mandate and actively participates in it. They see the world not just as it is, but as a field ripe for harvest (John 4:35).

The purpose of every believer is to know Christ and make Him known. In your fellowship with like-minded people, which happens at church, your personal drive for evangelism should improve. Jesus died for the whole world, and you should attend a church where you grow in your knowledge of Him and learn how to reach others who don’t know that they can have forgiveness of sins and eternal life in Jesus (John 3:16).

A good church equips its members to be ambassadors of Christ in their daily lives and encourages them to share their faith. In Ephesians 4:11-13, Paul talks about how ministry gifts are given for the edification of the saints to do the work of ministry.

The early church in Acts is a powerful example of a mission-minded community. They were united in purpose and committed to spreading the gospel despite persecution and challenges. Their gathering was not for the sake of it, but to grow in the faith, build community, and be equipped to bring even more people into their fellowship. 

Their efforts resulted in the exponential growth of the church, as many came to faith through their witness and testimony (Acts 2:41-47). Even though the purpose of reaching out is not just for growth in numbers, growth in numbers is God’s idea.

Some churches are designed to only keep current members happy each Sunday, but a good church should be aligned with God’s heart for the world and emphasise reaching out to the lost.

Child of God, it is extremely important that you attend a local church where living out your purpose by reaching out to the world outside is emphasised.

Bible Reading Plan:  Matthew 28

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