“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” – 1 John 4:7 (NKJV)

If you’ve ever witnessed a bonfire, you know that a single log burns out quickly, but when many logs are stacked together, they create a blazing fire that lasts longer. Some qualities of a bonfire are unity, warmth, light, energy, and purification. 

Similarly, a church that fosters a sense of family and love is like a blazing bonfire, where each member contributes to a community that radiates warmth, shines as light, gives energy, purifies the soul, and stands strong in unity.

A vital sign of a good church is its commitment to demonstrating love and being family-minded. Our anchor scripture notes that love is a God factor and anyone who loves is born of God. Love is the spark that ignites the fire in a Christian body. 

When it comes to showing real love and care, it means more than just warm greetings at the door; it involves cultivating deep, meaningful relationships among its members. The church should reflect the love of Christ, making it a place where people feel valued, supported, and connected.

The Bible emphasises love as the hallmark of a true Christian community. In John 13:35, Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” A church that embodies this commandment will have members who genuinely care for one another, sharing each other’s burdens and rejoicing in each other’s successes.

A family-minded church is one where people are actively involved in each other’s lives. They pray together, support each other in need, and celebrate milestones as a community. This sense of family creates a safe environment where individuals can grow in their faith and find encouragement and accountability.

In Acts 2:42-47, the early church exemplified this family-minded approach. They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer. They shared everything in common, ensuring that no one was in need. This model shows that a church should be a place where love and support are abundant, and members feel a sense of belonging.

In practical terms, fostering a family-minded and loving church involves creating opportunities for connection and growth. Small groups, fellowship events, and service projects are excellent ways to build relationships and strengthen the church family.

In conclusion, a good church is family-minded and rooted in love. Look out for a church or local assembly that creates a supportive and nurturing environment where individuals can thrive spiritually, emotionally, and otherwise. 

DO THIS: Reflect on how you can contribute to making your church more family-minded and loving. Reach out to someone in your congregation this week, offer support, and build a meaningful relationship. Be the spark. 

Bible Reading Plan: Mark 16

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