“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” –  Matthew 6:  21 (NKJV)

There is a quote that goes, “Money is like a sixth sense – and you can’t make use of the other five senses without it.” 

This humorous yet truthful statement highlights that money is a significant part of our lives. Everything we do has a price tag, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Even if you forsake earthly pleasures, you can’t live for free. Are you hungry? You need to buy food. Want an education? Money is involved. Want to visit family and friends? You need money for transportation. Even if you stay home all day, the rent needs to be paid. Money is essential.

However, the first sign of a good church concerning money is that a good church knows to put money in its place. The church is not a money-making avenue. It is a place to win souls and teach and equip God’s people. Jesus said that His house should be known as a house of prayer and not a den of robbers (Matthew 21: 12-13). 

Our anchor scripture tells us that where our treasures are, that is where our hearts will be. So, find out where the church finances are going. Is it geared towards soul-winning, church activities, and helping the needy? Or is it going elsewhere?

Jesus Himself in Matthew 19:21 talks about how one should be more concerned about heavenly treasures than earthly ones. For believers, money is only a measure by which we fulfil God’s purpose. Money to us is a vehicle – we don’t worship or revere money; we put it to work. A good church would never extort its members. Instead, it will be a source of financial support to the needy and helpless in its congregation.

A good church has a healthy relationship with money (Matthew 6:24). By that, it means that a good church follows the financial instructions outlined in the Bible. They believe in ordinances such as giving and tithing from a place of generosity (Acts 20: 35, Malachi 3: 10).

A good church also doesn’t shy away from teachings on money and finances. They delight in ensuring their members and community are well-informed on this topic. They teach the right idea about money from the Bible’s perspective and not from the world’s. 

These are a few things to look out for when searching for a church or local assembly. However, remember to always do this prayerfully. God in His wisdom will always guide you to the right church for you, where you can grow and flourish spiritually.

Take the next step: Evaluate your church’s financial practices today and see how they align with biblical teachings. Pray for discernment and let God’s wisdom guide you to a place where you can grow both spiritually and in stewardship.

Bible Reading Plan: Luke 24

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