“Then he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.”
Zechariah 4:6 ESV
Some have come to attribute the spirit of God with just ecstasy in a gathering, but His presence in your life must count for more than goosebumps or vibes. In the Bible, we see Him coming upon men and they did extraordinary things.
In Exodus 31, we see God fill Bezalel with the spirit for craftsmanship in order for him to build God’s tabernacle. Also, His Spirit came upon Samson and he defeated an army of 1000 with the jawbone of a donkey ( Judges 15:14-15).
As a teenager who was not considered old enough to join the army, David the shepherd boy marched towards a murderous giant approximately 8 feet tall with neither armour nor sword nor shield, but a sling and a stone.
He had the hope of an entire nation resting on his young shoulders, yet he was unfazed because he wasn’t trusting in his might but in the ability of God. Several years later, a descendent of his, Zerubabel will be reminded of this same principle. “It is not by power, not by might but by the spirit”.
In another story, we see Elijah, energized by the spirit, outrun King Ahab’s chariot (1Kings 18:46). Again, we see Saul become another man after the Prophet Samuel told him that “the Spirit of the Lord will rush upon (him), and (he) will prophesy and be turned into another man.” This occurrence was so remarkable that it became a proverb in Israel. (1 Samuel 10:6)
Jesus also was anointed with the same spirit and He went about doing good and healing the oppressed (Acts 10:38). The church itself was predicated upon the outpouring of the Spirit such that Jesus instructed them not to go into the world and preach until they received the Spirit (Acts 1:4-5).
Sponsored by the Spirit, the early church did great and mighty works for Jesus. It was said of the early church that “these are the ones that have turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6).
All these go to show that the Holy Spirit in you makes you bold in the line of your divine assignment. So go into this week with the knowledge the Holy Ghost is at work in you; be bold and dauntless in pursuit of God’s will for your life.
The Spirit of God is at work in me
The power of God is at work in me
Therefore, I refuse to be ordinary
Like Jesus I go about doing good because God is with me
I prosper in my divine assignment by the Spirit. Glory to God!
Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 11:1-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Psalms 142, 2 Chronicles 10-12