“Pray without ceasing…”
I Thessalonians 5:17 NKJV

At a point in time in our lives, we might have sought God out for the main purpose of getting Him to meet our needs. But as we go deeper in the faith, there comes a time we must recognise that we ought seek Him for “the bread that He is, not just the bread that He gives”. (John 6:35)

Having this in mind will change our devotional life in a radical way. Now, we would no longer pray or study to get needs met but to build intimacy in the place of fellowship.

Jesus, in the garden of Gethsemane, prayed and prayed some more. In the same vein, we must pray and pray some more. Lay brick upon brick! Even if you fall asleep while praying, wake up and continue praying! (Matthew 26:36-44)

Others may back down, “but you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit….” (Jude 1:20 NKJV)

Get to a point in your life where spending a short time with God does not cut it anymore for you. You have exercised importunity for other things in your life. A good example is the time you spend at the gym. What about that time you did all manner of gymnastics to ensure you continued reading for important exams? Surely,the time you spend in fellowship with God is worth much more.

You will get tired but don’t stop. Go beyond! Continue in prayer! This is how you build capacity for all God has called you unto.

The heartfelt continued prayer of a righteousness man prevails
I am a righteous man and so I continue in prayers
And my prayers prevail
Glory to God!

Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 11:14-28, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, Psalms 143, 2 Chronicles 13-16

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Triumph 30 "T30" is a platform designed to partner with you to develop a culture of devotional prayer and Bible study. Through our daily devotional write-ups and prayer times (via our audio live streaming platform), followers of Triumph 30 are sure to build a vibrant daily Christian walk.


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