“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 NKJV

The David and Goliath story is a classic that carries quite a few key lessons on bravery. We see a young shepherd boy who was courageous enough to step onto the battlefield, challenge, and take down an enemy nobody else in the army had dared to face.

However, it is important to note that David was not just some random youth who thought he would try his luck against a fierce Philistine giant, armed with a mere sling and some stones. In 1 Samuel 17:36, we learn about David, that he had some “work experience,” having slain lions and bears in the past! Basically, David was not a learner.

Although he had been in the shadows prior to his face-off with Goliath, David managed to learn certain skills by just being a diligent shepherd boy who cared about his flock. Because of diligence, when David’s kairos came, it did not meet him unprepared!

Diligence will never go out of style. In fact, it is a vital aspect of your walk with God. There may be no literal giants or lions or bears to slay today, but some ‘giants’ might come in the form of wrong doctrine, fear of evangelism, or neutrality in the face of heresy. 

You ought to show diligence in prayer, as well as careful and earnest study of Scripture because, like David, a time will come when you’d be confronted with situations that would put your knowledge to the test. To overcome them, you must be able to rightly divide the word of truth.

Diligence in praying and studying God’s Word will also strengthen your convictions. Remember the stories of Daniel and three Hebrew boys? They all knew God in His Word, so much that they were able to firmly hold on to their beliefs, even at the cost of their lives. By simply being dogged in their convictions, many came to acknowledge and revere God. Dear believer, this can be your testimony, too!

The seriousness of your life’s purpose to know God and make Him known should be evident in your diligence to seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) It is true that you will not always feel like praying or studying the word, but you must get to a point where you find delight in duty, by looking at what you stand to gain from these exercises.

Brethren, continue your backend development in prayer and diligent study of the Word. The mandate to evangelize the world demands it of you.

Bible Reading Plan: Judges 6-7

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