“Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.” – Psalms 119:105 NKJV

Throughout the week, you have received a charge to study the word of God with an open heart. Because in it, you see your true reflection and through it, you grow deeply rooted in your faith and can discern the lies of the devil. 

In today’s devotional, we will discuss how God’s word directs your path. 

In agriculture, light is essential for any plant to grow. Without light, the growth of a plant could be stunted. Similarly, light is important for spiritual growth. In our anchor verse, the psalmist likens the Word of God to a lamp and light. 

In ancient times, Lamps were essential tools for navigation, especially at night. They provided necessary illumination, allowing people to see enough to take the next step forward. Similarly, for us, the Word of God serves as our lamp and can guide our path. The man in Christ does not stumble in darkness because He has the light of the Lord both on His inside (the Holy Spirit) and the outside (the Word of God) (John 8:12).

Life is full of uncertainty and darkness, but the man in Christ can know what to do. You can discern what steps to take. The testimony of your life can be that by the wisdom of God, you take the right steps in the right direction consistently.

You can light your path by the Word of God. Train yourself to take the Word as the final authority on any issue or subject. Your disposition must be similar to Jesus’ in Matthew 4:4, where you depend on the Word of God for your sustenance.

Jesus, the Son of God, honoured the Word, and we should do the same. In Luke 24:25-27, He walked alongside the disciples on the road to Emmaus after His crucifixion and resurrection, and instead of easily showing them that He was back to life, He pointed them to scripture. This shows us the disposition God expects us to have to His Word. 

If you grew up attending Sunday school, you probably heard your teacher refer to the Bible as the believer’s manual for living, similar to how appliances come with instruction manuals. This is what 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us– all of the Bible, inspired by God, is useful for us as we set out to live the lives God ordained. Pay attention to the Word and honour it as God’s wisdom for everyday life.

Hide the Word of God in your heart, and let it guide your life. Your basic life principle should be, “If God said it, I believe it, and that settles it!”

Bible Reading Plan: John 12:  1-22

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