“And these signs will follow those who believe, in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”  – Mark 16:17-18 NKJV

Many Christians are caught in the web of believing that some manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit are for a select few. They easily assume it is reserved for their pastors and spiritual leaders only, as they can’t imagine themselves exhibiting such traits.

This is, however, not true. Just before Jesus ascended into heaven, He charged the disciples in our anchor scripture. He made them understand that salvation is the only requirement to walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

God doesn’t show favouritism by selectively giving people these gifts. The gifts are manifestations of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who dwells in every believer after salvation (Romans 8:11, 1 Corinthians 12:4). The gift of salvation is for everyone who believes the Gospel. Therefore, the gifts of the Spirit are for all believers (Romans 1:9-10, 8:15-16). 

In Acts 10, Apostle Peter did not believe Gentiles could not be saved. So, God convinced him and the entire early church when the household of Cornelius, a Roman centurion, spoke in unknown tongues the moment they believed (Acts 10:46-47). This shows God expects all His children to showcase these signs effortlessly. 

You can begin to walk in these gifts more effortlessly when you constantly put them into practice. If Jesus said, you can heal the sick, your first instinct when encountering sick people should be to lay hands on them. Doing this shows that you recognise your authority in Christ. 

In addition, regular fellowship with God in prayer and Bible study cannot be overemphasised. Through Bible study, you become knowledgeable of all the gifts God has bestowed on you in salvation and you stir them up in the place of prayer. Living a life of consistent prayer and Bible study also guards your heart against doubt.

Dear believer, every sign Jesus spoke about in the book of Mark follows you. You are not left out. You are included. You have the Spirit of God on your inside, it’s time to act like it!

SAY THIS: These signs follow me. In the name of Jesus, I cast out devils, speak in new tongues, and when I lay my hands on the sick, they recover. By the spirit of God, I do the impossible. Glory!

Bible Reading Plan: John 10: 1-18

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