“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” – John 14:26 NKJV

If a loved one suddenly breaks the news that they have less than 3 months to live, how would you react to such news? 

There is a high chance that you would reject such news and do all the seeming religious callisthenics to shut the person up, encouraging them to be positive. 

You’re not alone, because this was Apostle Peter’s initial reaction when Jesus told him and other disciples of His impending death. However, he was unaware that the death of Jesus was for a good cause, a greater cause. 

Looking at our anchor text, Jesus did not declare that He would die only. He also informed His disciples, and, by extension, you, that a helper, the Holy Spirit, will be with them after His death, making sure He was not missed. 

He goes on to explain the functions and abilities of the Holy Spirit; one of which is to strengthen them.

This is a comforting and reassuring reality for every believer that though Jesus has ascended and left this earth, He did not leave us empty and in despair. He sent the Holy Spirit to strengthen and remind us about all God’s promises.

Our response to this reality is to take advantage of the ministry of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to permeate every aspect of our lives.

For example, the Holy Spirit can help you live above sin. This is called sanctification. Yes, as a believer, you are righteous because of the gift and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, however, the Holy Spirit in you produces right living. By the Holy Spirit, you have received the power you need to make the right choices (2 Peter 1:3 -4). 

The Holy Spirit teaches and reminds you of God’s word (1 John 2:27). When you face challenges to your faith or the word of God you’ve received, the Holy Spirit reaffirms it to you. This can occur during prayer, study, through random words of knowledge, or during fellowship at church.

The Holy Spirit thrives in a receptive environment. This means as you open your heart to Him, you will experience the effective ministry of the Holy Spirit. He is already in you by default as a believer. You just need to be sensitive enough to let Him lead.

Beloved, nurture your relationship with the Holy Spirit for your benefit. The Holy Spirit ministers to you, aiding in every aspect of your life—granting perseverance, self-control, kindness, and love. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you; give Him your time and attention.

Go forth today and every other day, walk in the Spirit and let your profiting appear to all.

Bible Reading Plan: Luke 16

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