“Both young men and maidens; old men and children. Let them praise the name of the Lord, For His name alone is exalted; His glory is above the earth and heaven.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭148‬:‭12‬-‭13 ‭NKJV‬‬

Growing up, you will recall that oftentimes the next question that comes after receiving a gift is “What will you tell Aunty/Uncle” and the expected response would be “Thank you”. At that time, it seemed like a “trap” to see if you would forget, but this did something in us. It helped us grow to be grateful.

Now imagine growing up and not just being taught to be grateful for gifts, but to also recognize God as the author of all good things and to thank Him for it. This is God’s intent.

In Matthew 19:14, we see Jesus rebuking the disciples who wanted to send the children away and instead drew them to Himself. This shows us that God delights in seeing children know Him. If you get stirred seeing children pray or toddlers reciting memory verses on our eternal realities in Christ Jesus, imagine God’s heart seeing these. If you have children around you, don’t leave them out. When good things happen, let them know it is God’s doing. Teach them thanksgiving. 

Thankfulness is not limited to only the young ones. There are unfortunately many people who, when they were young, trusted and saw God as their source, but as they grew older, began to trust their efforts and ‘hustle’ as the source of the good things they enjoy. This should not be so.

Just as one is vibrant in their youth, seeing God’s goodness in everything, there shouldn’t come a time when the testimony becomes, “In my days, I was burning for God”. Loving and living for God, giving thanks to Him, does not end in one’s youth, rather must continue throughout life. 

Nowhere in the scriptures do we see God give a timeframe for man to live for Him. Rather, the call is for everything that has breath to praise the Lord (‭Psalms‬ ‭150‬:‭6‬). It means that as long as life is in you, God wants to be the centre of your life, He wants to forever be the object of your devotion and thanksgiving. 

 It does not matter who you are. Are you young? You’re not too young to live a life of thanksgiving. It might not look like God has done ‘big’ things yet in your life, but He has saved you, that’s the greatest gift ever. Getting advanced in years and achievements? Don’t stop seeing God as your source, never stop giving thanks. There’s no age of retirement in God’s kingdom. 

Young or old, God is deserving of praise from your lips because He is great, and His glory covers the earth. Hallelujah!

Bible Reading Plan:1 Chronicles 3-4

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