“In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV

Have you ever visited an aunt or uncle and unintentionally revealed some minor health issue, like having a cold or cough? And they instantly dived into their archives and prepared herbal remedies for you. Even if you don’t like what was served to you and would rather drink something different, you will still express gratitude.

In the same way, the year might have brought you experiences you didn’t particularly enjoy, but at the end of it all, you have to give thanks to God with a grateful heart. 

When we give thanks to God, we confess that He is God and acknowledge His greatness. The fact that He is God and has remained the same throughout the year is enough reason to praise Him. Even in difficult situations, there are tangible reasons to offer praise, remember these words of the Psalmist:

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!” – Psalm 150:6 NKJV

Also, God is good, and we have been invited to His goodness. Scripture is replete with instances of his lovingkindness and miraculous works that displayed His goodness towards His people. When we ponder on everything that has happened this year, it’s almost impossible to say He has not been good to us. Even in times we were unfaithful, He remained good to us. That is His character, and He cannot change!

Finally, dear believer, you must learn to document God’s goodness. You must learn to tell the stories and testify of His faithfulness (Isaiah 63:7). Humans are prone to forgetfulness, so you must intentionally keep records of God’s faithfulness all year round. Like the popular hymn says, “…count your blessings…”

Say this: Lord, I might not be where I think I ought to be, but I am where You want me to be, and my heart is full of gratitude. Thank You, Daddy!

Bible Reading Plan: Nehemiah 6-7

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