“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

– Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV

Finally, a new year! So much ecstasy in the air. While some have high hopes and expectations, others have cancelled the year, wondering what difference it could make over the previous year. As our anchor scriptures state, they wonder what’s new about a new year and why they should prepare for it.

For us as believers, it is crucial to know that the man in Christ is different and distinct from the rest of the world (1 Peter 2:9). We do not approach seasons like the rest of the world but by the leading of God. We get prepared by the word of God, by prophecies and by instructions.

This year, do not forget God’s prophecies over your life. Pray about everything God has promised to do through you. Abraham believed and saw himself as the father of many nations after God told him in Genesis 17:4-7 that he would be the father of many nations. Do not disregard prophecies; God gave them to you for a reason (1 Timothy 4:14).

Position yourself as someone God can rely on. Can God rely on you to carry out His God-sized visions? God referred to Abraham as a friend because he had intimacy with Him and could rely on him. Are you completely devoted to God? Are you looking out for God’s best interests? Position yourself today to be someone on whom God can rely. Accept His will and His method.

Take bold steps to follow God’s leading this year, and be brave in doing so. Deliberately choose to follow God and His plan for your life. It is preferable to fail in God’s will than not try at all. We should imitate Paul’s tenacity in following God’s lead in Acts 20:22-24. Step out of the boat and walk on water; be brave and take that bold step.

Additionally, broaden the mental capacity of your vision. God desires to do great things through you. Think big! Your requests never frighten God. Expand God’s possibilities in your life and allow Him to lead you.

Finally, pray! pray! pray! Always prepare in the place of prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Take your devotional life very seriously. Be deliberate in your prayer life.

Beyond the challenges that each year may bring, it is entirely possible to have a fantastic year as a believer. Prepare now. Begin right now. Make a head start! Don’t put it off until the middle of the year or when it’s convenient.

Follow God’s instructions for your life, begin the vision God has given you right now, and prepare with prayer and planning.

Bible Reading Plan:

Genesis 1-2 

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