“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’” – Matthew 22:37 NIV

Have you ever loved someone so much that you couldn’t go a day without speaking to them? If you truly love someone you will surely communicate with them regularly using every available and practicable medium. If this applies to loving someone, what about the One who created you and also died for you?

To love someone is to desire to know them deeply. If you love God, you will want to know Him. The Word of God is the blueprint for knowing God. If you love God, you will read His Word. The Scriptures were written for edification, strengthening, and enlightenment (2 Timothy 3:16). God wants you to know Him and love Him, but how much of His word do you read each day?

To love someone is to desire communication with them. In the place of prayer, you communicate and commune with God. Prayer is not just about what it does for you, but what it does in you. When you pray, you strengthen your convictions, gain clarity, and align yourself with God’s will. How would you feel if someone only spoke to you when they had a need? Brethren, talk to God today. He is ready to listen (Jeremiah 29:12).

To love someone is to identify with people who are connected to that person. Fellowshipping with other believers shouldn’t be taken lightly (Hebrews 10:25). Join a Bible-believing church, serve and be committed. The body of Christ is a family, and family members do not stay in isolation. Let’s be accountable to one another, love, and grow together in our knowledge of God’s word. The body of Christ is one, and you are part of it.

To love someone is to prioritise and talk about them. The purpose of our existence is to know Christ and make Him known. But what level of priority do you give to evangelism? Have you ever discussed Christ with a non-believing friend, coworker, classmate, or relative? If you love God, you will prioritise His agenda. Be intentional about spreading the good news. Your desire will be to see others saved, and you will tell the world about Him (Mark 16:15).

If you love God, you will obey His word. Jesus called it the first and great commandment (Matthew 22:38). Your love for God can be evaluated through your adherence to His word. What has God laid on your heart to do? What has He told you to start, stop, or exercise patience on? If God instructs you, be rest assured that He loves you and wants the best for you.

Brothers and sisters, if you love God, it will show. It will be evident in how much you give yourself to reading the word, praying, evangelising, fellowshipping with other believers, and obeying His commandments.

PRAYER: I declare that my love for God is evident in every area of my life. 

Bible Reading Plan: Ezekiel 23-24

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