“Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress”
1 Timothy 4:15 NIV

A vital sign of our walk with God is growth. God is interested in our growth as He takes us through the journey of life. So, He gives room and opportunities for us that will facilitate growth.

In learning to follow God’s leading, God’s word is the primary resource (Psalms 119:105). When we are full of God’s word and follow the instructions in it, we are prepared for the more personal and, sometimes, spectacular leadership of the Spirit. We would learn to base our judgement of visions, prophecies solely on God’s word.

Therefore, we ought to give ourselves wholly to the process and the training of the Spirit (1 Timothy 4:15). In the journey to fulfilling God’s plan and purpose for our lives, God leads us per time. He doesn’t want us to miss out on the growth that comes along with the journey. He wants us to learn and know His voice and to build capacity.

A key point to note in following God’s leading is patience. It is a sign of growth. To be doubly sure of God’s promptings is not a wrong thing to do. God would rather have us be sure of the instruction than to do what we ought not to have started or to start at the wrong time. Seek confirmation from the Lord, trusting that it is His desire to guide you (1 Thessalonians 5:21, Philippians 2:13).

In conclusion, there are important lessons that the Lord would have us learn in our journey to being all He wants to be. Skipping the process would mean missing out on the training that will get us prepared to be all God would us be. Learn to listen to the voice of God for the seemingly little things. Grow in leading.

Bible Reading Plan:
Mark 15:33-41, Galatians 5:1-12, Psalms 116, 20-21

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