“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

Have you ever bought a shoe or clothing item that people thought was expensive, but you didn’t mind because you liked it? You saw value in the item that others could not see.

It has been said that we can tell what you value by looking at our bank statements. If you claim to be about the things of God and His people, then it should reflect in the way you spend your money. Giving substantiates our faith in God; it’s one of the ways we prove that we value Him (Hebrews 11:4).

God is not instructing us to give because He doesn’t care about our needs or wants to punish us. God is love. He is not looking to punish you for not giving as much as you should. Neither is He withholding your blessings because we don’t give (Romans 8:32). Why do we give?

We give because we honour God (Proverbs 3:9). Giving has always been a form of worship in the Bible. When we honour God with our gifts, we acknowledge He is our source. We show our love and trust that God is our Lord and that all we have comes from Him.

Additionally, we give in response to God’s blessings. We thank God not just with our lips but also with our substance. God has blessed us, and in response, we must be ready to give to the Lord.

Do you realize your giving can change people’s lives forever? When you sponsor the gospel, you are contributing to a significant cause. You become part of someone else’s testimony and blessing, and these people will thank God for your obedience. (2 Cor. 9:12-13)

Put your money where your faith is and give so that others are added to the kingdom because of your generosity. If you believe in this gospel and its power to save lives, let it show in your giving.

Bible Reading Plan: John 4: 1-14, James 5: 7-12, Ecclesiastes 8, Jeremiah 26-29

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