“…And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” – Act 20:25 NLT

If we were to obtain your bank statement for the past three months, what would the bulk of your expenses be? Data subscription? Transportation? Food? Entertainment? As much as these are necessities, how intentional are you about giving to others and helping those in need? What does the Bible teach about generosity and its affairs?

The Bible teaches us all about generosity. The generosity code we find in the Bible continues to hold relevance even in today’s world, marked by materialism and self-interest.

The Bible shows the significance of generosity as an embodiment of love (1 John 3:17). Loving friends and family entails a willingness to offer assistance within our means when they require support. However, our generosity should extend beyond our families. The generosity code requires us to look around us and find those who may need our help. 

Jesus applied the generosity code to his life. Everywhere he went, he was doing good (Acts 10: 38) and constantly giving – He gave food ( Matthew 13:  14-21), His time (Mark 2: 15-22), knowledge (Luke 10: 38-42), gifts and skills (John 2: 1-11), and most of all, His life (1 John 3: 16). Jesus lived His life for others; that is the code every believer should subscribe to. 

Where is your treasure? Do you treasure the spread of the gospel? Do you desire to see the gospel cover the earth? And how do you support it? With your finances, time, or skills? The church serves as a channel to help reach more souls, help the needy and assist the needy (Romans 12:13). Brethren, put your money where your faith is.

Remember, money not allocated to necessities often ends up frivolously spent. As believers, we must manage our finances responsibly and put money in its place. Money is a tool to use and not worship. Apostle Paul is an example of a man committed to giving generously, even amid personal toil. Let us emulate his spirit.

Let us heed the wisdom of Scripture and embrace the call to generosity through acts of kindness, financial stewardship, and compassionate service. 

As God blesses you and enlarges your coast, endeavour to remain generous so that you can become a channel of God’s love to everyone you come in contact with. 

Bible Reading Plan: Matthew 11: 16- 30

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