“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV)

When a Will is created, the testator usually gives instructions on how their assets should be distributed. Those instructions are acknowledged and effected by the law and everyone concerned including the beneficiaries and executors. It does not matter that the testator is long dead and gone, their words continue to be potent and enforceable.

If the words of a mere mortal are so powerful and enforceable even after their demise, how much more powerful is the word of the eternal God who created all men? That said, when God says a thing, it is wise to believe it completely.

Our anchor text exposes us to the potency of God’s word to help us strengthen our conviction and belief. In your life, you must believe that every word spoken over you will come to pass. This consciousness comes from a deep conviction about the person of God as a father, protector,  and friend.

Through the scriptures, we see how God by various means communicated to us that He is there for us and simply demands that we trust Him (Isaiah 41:10, Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 46:10).

To believe the word of God, it must involve your total and absolute trust in Him. How else would Abraham have reacted when God told him about having a child in his old age? Biologically and physically, it was impossible but Abraham trusted God. (Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:20).

Is it possible that sometimes, God’s word may delay in manifestation? Certainly.  However, for various reasons.  One such reason is timing. Abraham’s testimony happened 25 years after God spoke to him (Genesis 12: 1-3, Genesis 21: 5). However, the bible recorded that Abraham did not at any time doubt the word of God.

Abraham’s story should inspire you at whatever stage you currently are with the word of God spoken to you. Do not doubt or question the timing. Trust God and his perfect timing.

“How then can I keep my faith alive?” you may ask. Apostle Paul provides an insight in Romans 10:17. He instructs that faith is kept alive by hearing the word of God. Practically, it means that your faith is rekindled through devotion. As you study and pray, it refreshes you (Isaiah 40:3I).

Another important hack is to create an atmosphere of inspiration. Write out those words and paste them on visible parts of your house, office or places you frequent always. It is also God’s instruction (Habakkuk 2:2-3). You will find that the more you look at them and repeat to yourself, your faith is renewed.

This week, embrace the word of God; repeat it to yourself consistently; trust and believe it with every fibre of your being.

Bible Reading Plan: John 12:  23 – 50

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