“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

– Philippians 4:6 NIV

One of the most prevalent issues in the world today is depression. Many young people in particular have been affected by it. To be honest, a lot of young people face despair around the new year. This is typically brought on by regret over last year’s events and anxiety about what the present year may hold. Frequently, prolonged concern and anxiety about a situation lead to depression. It could be brought on by fear, a disastrous incident, the death of a loved one, or a moment that alters one’s course in life. 

Even though the word “depression” does not occur in the Bible, there are numerous instances where biblical characters express prolonged agony and sadness due to a traumatic experience they were going through. For instance, David referenced his many traumatic experiences (I Samuel 30:4) in the Psalms (Psalm 13, 69, 142). Elijah the prophet is likewise not an exception (I Kings 19:4), along with Job and numerous others. 

All of the poems in the Book of Lamentations are about pain, shame, and sorrow. In these circumstances, we witness them praying to God. We might, therefore, deduce from their behavior that prayer is a key tactic for overcoming depression.

Paul addressed a church that was facing persecution at the time in Philippians 4:6-7. In spite of this, he advised them to not worry about anything, but in every circumstance, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, submit your requests to God. “The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus,” is the result of this. Our faith in God and His message is rekindled by prayer. It downplays the difficulties while highlighting God’s fidelity and power in our lives.

Finally, your heart will be full of peace and assurance when you are sure of God’s love and power because you know that He uses everything for your good, regardless of how the previous year turned out. Finally, keep in mind that God is still at work, even in your darkest moments. Lean on Him. 


I do not consider the things that are not working in my life now. 

I remember all that the Lord has done for me, and I am full of joy and thanksgiving. 

I know that He is making all things work together for my good, 

So I am not anxious. 

All through this year and beyond, 

I will not be depressed because I know God is for and with me!

Bible Reading Plan: Job 33-34

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