Day 36, February 5th, 2025 (Exodus 37-38, Matthew 25:1-30)

Exodus 37-38 details the construction of the Tabernacle, which represents God’s presence among the Israelites. In these chapters, we see Bezalel diligently following all of God’s precise instructions concerning the Ark of the Covenant and the altar of burnt offering. The careful efforts of the Israelites reflect the dedication necessary in our service to God, reminding us that every task, no matter how small, holds eternal significance when done in His name.

In Matthew 25:1-30, Jesus shares the Parable of the Ten Virgins and the Parable of the Talents, both of which emphasize the importance of preparedness and faithful stewardship. The wise virgins, who brought extra oil for their lamps, symbolize those who are spiritually ready, while the unwise ones missed their opportunity.

Similarly, in the Parable of the Talents, we learn to utilize the gifts and resources that God has entrusted to us for His purposes. The faithful servants who multiplied their talents were rewarded, while the servant who buried his talent out of fear faced judgment and experienced shame.

Together, these passages urge us to faithfully use our resources, talents, and time in service to God, to be prepared for His coming, and to engage in the work He has assigned to us.

7Jesus is coming soon. Are you being faithful to the assignment God has given you?

Exodus 37-38

Then Bezalel made the ark of acacia wood; two and a half cubits was its length, a cubit and a half its width, and a cubit and a half its height.

 He overlaid it with pure gold inside and outside, and made a molding of gold all around it. 

 And he cast for it four rings of gold to be set in its four corners: two rings on one side, and two rings on the other side of it.

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 Matthew 25:1-30

“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.  

Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 

 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them

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