“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5‭-‬6 NKJV

Welcome to the 3rd weekly devotional recap of this year. This week we learnt about being unshakable as a believer, confronting fears, conquering doubts, breaking free as well as the place of prayers, planning and action.

We began the week by considering what it means for a believer to be unshakable. This year, you will likely be confronted with various forms of issues as a believer. However, your consistent disposition must be to remain firm. We saw from the experiences of Paul, who despite all he went through remained resolute. In fact, he encouraged us to rejoice and let the peace of God navigate our hearts throughout the year.

Our next topic centered around confronting fears. Clearly, as a believer, there may be decisions and assignments that are yet to start because of fear. We learnt that feeding on such fear will weaken you and diminish your zeal to even start. However, we understand that fear must be confronted with solid faith. This means that you know who your Daddy is and you are confident that He’s backing you. This changes everything and dissolves fears (Jeremiah 1:7-8). Go back to that assignment and begin to take steps. It gets better from there.

On Wednesday, we discussed the place of doubt as a limiting factor for a believer. We observed that doubt is clearly a show of little or no faith. Jesus in Mark 11:22-24 instructs us to pray, believe, and the results will show. He carefully highlighted doubt as what will hinder your prayers. This year, understand that doubt will not let you experience all that you prayed for. If God said it, believe it and that settles it.

On Thursday, we continued our discussion on limiting factors for believers. We examined how to break free from patterns that hinder our progress as believers. We are clearly aware of the whispers and tricks of the devil and so we must encourage ourselves in the word. We must also put structures in place to help stay motivated. God has set you free from bondage. So walk in that consciousness and break free from any self-defeating patterns that may be attempting to prevent you from moving forward with God’s plan for your life.

Finally, we learnt how to approach the year from the place of prayers, planning and execution. We understand that these 3 factors must go together for you to experience bountiful results. Prayers cannot be overemphasized. However, when you are done praying and ideas start flowing, you must begin to plan on how to get to work. Without planning you will not do much. Lastly, without execution, all that you prayed and planned for would be likened to mere dreams. This year, do it differently. Pray, Plan, and take action.

Bible Reading Plan: Job 30-32

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