“…they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

– Mark 16:18 NKJV

One of the best times for a Nigerian secondary school student is 3rd term in Year 5. This is when they are usually badged as reflects and bestowed with the authority to lead junior students. As expected, they become bolder and more assertive and in some cases exert this authority.

You observe that before the badging, the students may have just been ordinary senior students in anticipation. However, the moment they receive that badge of authority, their profile and demeanor change. In fact, even the junior students recognise this and align.

This is exactly what happens to you as a believer the moment you receive the life of Christ. Your profile changes; you become endued with power and authority. The devil even recognises this fact.

Some will then ask, “I believe in Jesus, I believe I am saved, where is the authority?” Yes, you have been saved and yes, you have the authority as part of the default package received with salvation.

However, as it is with some default software on a device requiring activation, you must activate the authority that you received upon salvation. This is what faith is all about. It is the activation of default authority.  How do you activate it then?

You activate your authority as a believer by first believing that you have even received it just as gleaned from our anchor text. The consciousness that you have authority over anything and everything will always prove to be the difference in any situation you find yourself. You must have heard the phrase “I know who I am”. 

Who are you in Christ? A new creation (2 Cor 5:17); the chosen one (1 peter 2:9); friend of God (John 15:15) powerful (1 Tim 1:7) strengthened (Phil 4:13) victorious, overcomer, more than a conqueror (1 John 5:4; Romans 8:37) joint heir with Christ (Romans 8:17). 

Knowing this, dear believer, walk in the authority of Christ! 

Bible Reading Plan:

John 16:35-33, Revelation 6, Job 31:24-40, Amos 3-4

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