“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:”
Philippians 4:11 NKJV
Welcome to the 47th week of our devotional recap. This is where we remind ourselves of what we learnt during the week.
This week, we talked about being seated in Christ, more than enough, comforter as well as what you have as a believer.
We started off with exploring the meaning of a believer to be seated in Christ. In Ephesians 2:6, Paul explained our position as believers. He stated that God raised us together with Christ and seated us with Him in heavenly places. This means that we have now assumed a position of power just by our identification with Christ. So, as Christ is elevated far above every authority and principality and His name exalted above all other names, we now share the same power, authority, and control over demons, diseases, and principalities.
Our next topic, “More than enough” examined why every believer must desire and embrace contentment. We discovered that living in a world filled with lust, greed, inordinate ambitions, there will always be the temptation for a believer to look in that direction. However, because it is a continuous mind-battle, Paul in Philippians 4:13 – 16, explained that such a battle would not be won by mere self-discipline or intelligence; it would be won through God’s strength and His ability to meet our needs. We must trust that He can take care of our needs and so if you have Him, you have more than enough.
On Wednesday, we continued the topic of having more than enough. As believers, living in a fallen world, we find ourselves dealing with all kinds of issues. However, we understand that what distinguishes us is our response. We respond through the word of God. We considered Matthew 6:26-33 which basically painted a picture of how God is particular about us. Reject anxiety today and embrace the ability of God to take care of you. (Phil 4:6)
On Thursday, we considered the topic, “Comfort”, where we looked at how to navigate the noise of this world. You look around and the results could be discouraging but we ought to remember that God is our Daddy. That He has redeemed us from the world and has given our lives a new meaning; a reason to hope and something to live for. Jesus knew you would feel this way in 2022 and He did something about it long ago, by sending the Holy Spirit to comfort and strengthen us. Take advantage of it and you will find peace and joy.
Lastly, we learnt about our true possession when we have Christ. We realised that in Christ we have got so much more and this should stir up continuous gratitude in us. Imagine that you have power, gift of the spirit, knowledge etc. Let this help you even when the devil tries to whisper some thoughts of inadequacy to you.
SAY THIS: I have Jesus; I have everything
Bible Reading Plan:
John 15:9-17, Revelation 3:1-13, Job 28, Hosea 13-14