Welcome to the 38th week of our devotional recap. This week we learnt to yield to the spirit, exercise self-control, and show kindness and gratitude.
We kicked off the week by learning to yield to the spirit, with the man Joseph as a case study. After everything Joseph’s brothers put him through, he still exercised self-control and showed them love when they were in need (Gen 45:5-4). Joseph showed forth the fruits of the spirit, even though he didn’t have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit like we do today. So we ought to yield to the spirit and activate the fruits which are evident in the life of Christ we have received.
On Tuesday, we were reminded that we have self-control because the Holy Ghost is resident in us full-time and permanently (John 1:6), and all we have to do is put it to use. Self-control is a fruit of our regenerated spirit, and as such, we are in charge of our desires and appetites in all situations. We should strive to put the flesh under subjection, once and for all(Ezekiel 36:27).
Wednesday’s devotion taught us to show kindness even in this world that tries to force us to do otherwise. As believers, we have been instructed to shine our lights, and one way to do so is through kindness. Jesus showed myriad acts of Kindness(Luke 7:13), and as our perfect example, we ought to emulate him. Because kindness is a fruit of the spirit, the way we deal with people in our everyday lives should let people know that there’s a different Spirit at work in us(Ephesians 4:32).
On Thursday, we learnt some more about showing kindness. In this lesson, we proved that the best teacher is the word of God and not our past experiences. The scripture is inspired by God to teach, correct, discipline and equip us for good works(2 Timothy 3: 16). We are called to live differently from those in the world by living a life of kindness; because even though we are in the world, we are not of the world. Jesus has instructed us to love and be kind to everyone, even our enemies (Luke 6: 35).
On Friday, we took a deep dive into living a life of gratitude in a world full of reasons to complain. Jesus, our perfect example, gave thanks in multiple scenarios (Luke 22:17, Matthew 15:36-37) so we also should do so because it is God’s will for us believers (1 Thessalonians 5:18). God wills that we overflow in thanksgiving, no matter the situation we find ourselves in because God is God(Psalms 100) and He is good(Psalms 34:8, Psalms 136:1-3). When we focus our attention on the God who made all things and whom all things come from, our problems look smaller and living a life of gratitude becomes easier.
Exercising self-control, showing kindness and being grateful are only a few of the things that can truly set us apart as Christians in this world. For us to walk in even more fruits of the spirit and shine like the light that we are, we should yield to the Holy Spirit totally and completely.
Have an awesome weekend!
Bible Reading Plan:
John 1:1-18, James 1:1-11, Ecclesiastes 1, Jeremiah 1-2