“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:1-2 NKJV
In life, there will be moments when we find ourselves in unpleasant situations, which may prompt feelings of sadness. Also, in an era where technology can be used to amplify vain pleasures and show only the success of others, it can make many feel inferior. A continuous feeling of sadness can lead to a mental health condition in our world today called “Depression”.
Depression can be caused by the fear of the unknown, comparison, death of a loved one, losing a job, insecurities, prolonged worry, anxiety, amongst many other things. This mental health condition can easily affect different areas of one’s life if nothing is done about it.
As believers, much as this feeling of devastation is valid, we must also acknowledge that we can reset our focus on worthwhile things. Just as our anchor Scripture says, if truly we are risen with Christ then our thoughts must align to that reality.
King David while going through perils commanded his soul to bless the Lord (Psalms 103:1). This depicts that a man in Christ can regulate his desires and command his disposition in every circumstance. You can always set your affections to be directed towards godly thoughts.
To deal with feelings of depression, you can start by understanding what true contentment means. For believers, true contentment is found in the realization of who you are in Christ. Seeking satisfaction from material possessions or people will never lead to a joyful disposition. True and pervasive joy arises from resting in the finished works of Christ.
Another sure way to battle depression is prayer. We can regulate our desires and moods in the place of prayer. Prayer is the best strategy for soul maintenance. It helps to put your flesh in its place and pulls down contrary thoughts that are not from God in your heart.
Prayer is also the best antidepressant for a believer. Through prayer, you can strengthen your convictions in God. On the days when the devil tries to make you focus on your inadequacies, prayer will fortify you and remind you of God’s end plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11).
Moreso, you can reset your focus by making bold declarations of faith. Make a habit of confessing your realities in Christ daily and believe them with your heart. In our kingdom, we don’t have to see it till we believe it, rather it’s our faith that births the realities we desire.
Dear believer, remember that God is with you even in your darkest times and worst days. All things surely work out for the good of every believer, our hope is an anchor (Romans 8:28). As the need arises, ensure to seek wise counsel and encouragement from other believers or a licensed professional.
Bible Reading Plan: 2 Kings 15; 2 Chronicles 26