“Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul…so the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed.” – Acts 19:11‭, ‬20 NKJV

Miracles are an expected result of a camp meeting, and they occur when the supernatural is brought into the natural world to perform extraordinary things. Miracles were an important element of Jesus’ earthly ministry, and as the anchor passage shows, they were also prevalent in the early church. Miracles are one of the numerous ways God demonstrates mercy and intervenes in our human condition.

When viewed “logically”, some people believe miracles are impossible. Furthermore, when there is a delay, they mistrust God’s capacity to work miracles in their lives. As Christians, we should not question God’s power to accomplish miracles in our lives because of disappointments in the past. This is because miracles are an integral part of salvation and the gospel. (Isaiah 53:5, Mark 16:17)

During this season of camp meetings, you must be prepared to witness miracles in your life. Preparing for miracles is vital because it puts your faith into action. Mark 5:25-34 describes the woman who bled for twelve years. She was prepared for her miracle and relentless in her pursuit of it. She had no doubts because she knew it would be the end of her agony. 

Lack of preparation for miracles is like praying to God for rain and then going out without an umbrella. Spend time praying. Prayer does a lot for you and most importantly does a lot in you. It will prepare you for the miracle you are about to receive. As you attend these meetings, prepare to receive your miracle.

Bible Reading Plan: Joel 1-3

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