“Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.”- Luke‬ ‭24:49‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

In life, the best things often come from the toughest of circumstances. No matter how presentable and attractive they are, the processes to them are not as attractive. Just check the back end of a WordPress site, you will be outrightly convinced.

You want good results, pray! Prayer is the backend activity that produces the results you want to see in your life. If Jesus Christ, the word of God, gave Himself to prayer before His unveiling in ministry, you have no excuse to do otherwise. (Mark 1:35, Luke 11:1)

Prayer is an avenue for preparation. It is the training ground of the believer. No matter the prophecy that has gone ahead, if you are not equipped in prayer to carry out the visions and plans of God in prayer, it will be difficult to get them done. (Matthew 26:39)

The place of prayer is the incubating room of the believer (Matthew 6:6). Spend time developing your mind to see the visions of God and building capacity to get them done. Pray because you want to be used and rewarded by God. 

Beloved, to see the will of God fulfilled in our lives, we must prepare ourselves in prayer. Poor preparation in the place of prayer will lead to poor performance. So, prepare well in the place of prayer – the back end of good results.

Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 20:20-26, Philemon 12-25, Proverbs 17:15-28, Esther 9-10

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Triumph 30 "T30" is a platform designed to partner with you to develop a culture of devotional prayer and Bible study. Through our daily devotional write-ups and prayer times (via our audio live streaming platform), followers of Triumph 30 are sure to build a vibrant daily Christian walk.


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