“And God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.”- Genesis 1:3 AMP

One of the many quotes that have gained popularity today is that ‘talk is cheap.’ Sadly, it’s easy to believe this in a world where words are not backed up with actions. Yet, in the realm of the spirit, talk is not cheap. Words mean much more than the world has given credit. Talk is the currency of creative miracles. 

Our anchor text shows that the world came into existence through words. God said let there be, and there was. When God spoke, He created. And it should be the same for us as believers. 

One prominent example in the Bible that highlights the power of words is seen in the story of Isaac and his sons. In Genesis 27:28-29, Isaac prophesied greatness and prosperity over Jacob, so it was. The words of Isaac sustained him such that Jacob not only became a powerful man, but his lineage became a great nation. (Gen 30:43)

We can set the trajectory for life with words alone. As we pray this season, let’s talk about our glorious future in Christ! 

Hence, we shouldn’t take prophecies and words of knowledge for granted. We despise prophecies when we don’t pray over or speak the words we have received. Besides having creative power, words are also vehicles that move us from one point to another. (1 Timothy 1:18)

Prophecies do not only tell us of the future, but they set us in the right direction. By prophecy, we can know what to do and where to go. Do not despise them. Talk about them as you pray today. (1 Thessalonians 5:20)

Take advantage of the power of prophecies. If you haven’t been speaking the words you received over your life, talk and pray about them today!

Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 20:27-40, Hebrews 1:1-9, Proverbs 18, Isaiah 1-2

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