“Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan), and nothing will [in any way] harm you.” – Luke 10:19 (AMP)

In law, a Power of Attorney is a legal authorisation given by an owner to another person. This authorisation is sometimes unlimited or limited to certain actions but ultimately, empowers the recipient to act on behalf of the owner. A practical way to describe this will be that wherever the recipient appears and brandishes the Power of Attorney, they will be treated as if they were the original owner. 

Jesus, as we can see in our anchor text, has given us the power and authority to act and do all He could ordinarily do. What power and authority did Jesus wield on earth? Let us consider the testimonies of Jesus. He performed miracles, cast out devils, healed the sick, spoke to the fig tree and it withered, and Jesus walked on water. He did all that He did on earth to show us these possibilities. Glory to God!

After the finished work of Christ, He gave us His spirit which dwells among us. The Holy Spirit helps us live a life of purpose and authority (Act 1:8). Therefore, we now have the authority to tread upon principalities and powers and speak the word over the devil’s devices from a place of authority, not fear.

The devil is constantly searching for loopholes in our spiritual life. So, stay alert (Ephesians 4:27). You must be ready to contend and wrestle. Always wear your armour (Ephesians 6:11), stand confident in your authority, and align with God’s will. Don’t be lukewarm—commit to prayer and reading the Word.

Be on fire! We do not act from a place of fear but a place of authority and power. When a loved one is sick, or you are confused with no light at the end of the tunnel; when the exam didn’t go well or the job interview seemed tough, we wield the authority bestowed on us and decree the word of God to the situation.

Trials and tribulations will come but we do not stagger as believers for we serve a God that hears us. In John 11:38-44, Jesus cried at Lazarus’ death, but the story did not end there. He spoke life to him, and he rose. 

Jesus walked on water so that we could. He cast out demons and healed the sick so that we could (John 14:12). The authority of a believer is not mere decoration, it is to be put to work.

Today, contend with whatever bothers you (Titus 2:15). Speak life to that womb, declare success upon that exam, pray for that family member and see God use you like never before. 

Dear Believer, if Jesus did it, you can!

Bible Reading Plan: 2 Corinthians 9-10

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