“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

It’s the end of the month! If you are the type who thrives on planning, by now you would have already outlined everything you want to accomplish — skills to learn, businesses to start, places to visit, decisions to make, feats to achieve, relationships to build, and much more!

If you are the praying type (which you should be), you would have outlined all your prayer points for the year before God and noted down “points from prayer”. All that remains is implementation, which you have a whole year to take care of.

For some, you haven’t made a ripple, let alone a wave, in your sea of plans. Yes, there is still time (about 336 days) to do something about the situation, but you are losing the confidence you began the year with.

Perhaps you are among those who have no plans and believe they are doomed. The impact of the camp meetings you attended at the end of last year is beginning to wear off. The rousing words of encouragement from your pastor at the crossover service that boosted your steps are beginning to fade in your mind. Don’t give up! Can’t you see you’re running a marathon?

Veteran marathon runners agree that running a marathon (42.195km) is strenuous exercise. You would want to withdraw from the race because the pain of running would make you uncomfortable, you would become impatient, and you would need a reason to cross the finish line. They say that winning your race is more important than winning the race. Doesn’t that sound like the challenges you face throughout the year or when attempting to achieve a goal?

So, how do you keep your confidence and complete your race this year? Aside from spending time with God in the word and in prayer, taking the year one step at a time can be beneficial. You are not required to have everything figured out. In fact, whether you have the entire year planned out or not, with God, you can be certain of victory.

He will always lead you in the right direction. Whatever challenges you face or inner doubts you may have, you are capable with God. He’ll show you what to do next, where to go next, and what actions to take. Simply stay with Him. Simply wait on Him, and He will replenish your strength.

Father, I do not have everything figured out
But I know I can count on you
I have my plans and things I want to do
Yet, I know that life will try to throw me off balance
But with You, I can run against a troop
With my God, I can leap over a wall
You are with me and I shall not be afraid
2023 has got nothing on me!

Bible Reading Plan: Genesis 12-13

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