“And these signs will follow those who believe, in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”  – Mark 16:17-18 NKJV

Yesterday, we learnt about the signs that follow everyone that believes and the work that every believer can do in the supernatural. Today, we’ll consider the authority with which we walk in the supernatural and work these signs. 

If you’ve ever run an errand for a person in a position of power; be it your boss, parent or school principal, you’d understand the importance of a name. A great and powerful name can break protocol and command instant attention. As a believer, the name of Jesus is like that for you. 

In our Anchor verse, Jesus gives us the full equation. In salvation, every believer has been given the authority to walk in the supernatural just like Jesus did. Here’s a simple breakdown:

Who are you? – A believer. What can you do? The miraculous. How can you do this? By the authority in the name of Jesus!

Salvation is the only requirement to walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Because we believe in the finished work of Christ, we are sons of God, who have the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, and to overcome the enemy (Mark 16:17-18, Romans 8:15).

The name of Jesus is not just a name. Neither is it a magic wand to be waved around. That’s why even demons can say the name Jesus ( Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-39, Acts 19:15 ) But it does not give them authority or power, like it does the believer.  

The power is not in the saying. Our authority in the name of Jesus is linked to our identity as children of God. We are the ‘ecclesia’ – the church of God and the Bible records that authority has been given to the church. 

Just look at the seven sons of Sceva the priest, who said the name of  ‘Jesus who Paul preaches’  but they did not have authority because they did not have faith in Jesus. You have faith in Jesus, so you should not find yourself in such a position. Use your authority and cast out demons, heal the sick and free the oppressed. Don’t ever let the devil lie to you. You can work Miracles! 

 It is not enough to have the authority bestowed upon you, you need to be conscious of it and walk in this reality. You are a child of God and must come to the knowledge of your place in Christ. No power of the devil is beyond your authority in Christ.

Dear believer, you have been given a name above all names. Do not hesitate to call on Him as often as you need to. 

Bible Reading Plan: John 10: 18 – 42

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