“My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him.”  – Psalms 62:5 NKJV

Imagine sending a long and heartfelt message to a close friend and receiving no reply, even though the chat indicates the person has seen or read it. The longer the silence, the more anxious you become, questioning if something is wrong.

Similarly, there are times in our spiritual journey when we experience unsettling silence in our walk with God making us question His presence and guidance. Just like David did in our anchor scripture, we also need to wait patiently on God when He seems silent. 

On many occasions, the silence we experience is because we expect God’s leading to be spectacular. We must remember that supernatural leading doesn’t always have to be extraordinary. God’s silence may also be a form of communication. In times of silence, God often desires to draw us closer, inviting us to seek Him more earnestly.

Therefore, whenever you reach the point that King David did in Psalms 13:1-2, breaking down and crying out to God in moments of confusion, it is time to return to the most potent way God speaks and leads—His Word. Remain steadfast in studying God’s word. Times of silence allow you to deepen your reliance on it. The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, providing guidance and reassurance during silent times (Psalm 119:105). Immersing yourself in scripture is crucial.

Another way to remain anchored to God in times of perceived silence is through prayer and seeking continuous communication with God. It keeps your spirit aligned with His will and opens your hearts to recognise His next leading. 

God’s silence can also be a period of growth and refinement. In your life, periods of silence can help you develop patience, strengthen your faith, and refine your character (James 1:2-4). Isaiah 40:31 reminds us that those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength.

We must also trust in God’s character, remembering that God is good, and  His love is steadfast. It helps us trust Him even when He is silent. His plans for you are always for good (Romans 8:28). Until you hear further, you should continue in the path God last directed you. Obedience in small things often leads to greater revelations.

Embrace the times of silence as part of God’s sovereign plan. Just as Job was eventually restored, you too will see the fruit of your trust in God’s timing.

Dear believer, never trust your feelings when you think God has abandoned you due to His silence. Stay consistent in your devotion, and trust that God will never leave you confused.

Bible Reading Plan: Luke 22: 35- 71

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