“Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.” – Psalms 119:105 NKJV
Welcome to the 24th weekly devotional recap of the year. This week, we learned how God leads us – through His word, coincidences, an inner witness and other believers. We also learned what to do when God seems silent.
On Monday, we learned that the word of God is a dependable guide. Just as appliances come with manuals, the word of God in scripture is our guide for life, offering direction on faith and daily matters. The Bible understood in its proper context is more trustworthy than any other kind of leading. Herod referred to the scriptures to confirm the birthplace of the Messiah (Matthew 2:3-6) and Jesus referred to the scriptures to reveal himself to His followers (Luke 24:13-35). Trust God and trust His word.
Tuesday’s article taught us that God leads us through the inner witness of the Holy Spirit living in us (Romans 8:14). Distinct from our emotions, senses, or thoughts, the guidance of the Holy Spirit can be experienced in a nudge to act or a restraint from proceeding (Acts 16:6). Rather than refer to that ‘nudge’ as ‘something’, we must learn to acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s leading and obey it promptly.
On Wednesday, we learned that God guides us through the wise counsel of other believers. Proverbs 11:14 says there is safety in a multitude of counselors. Jethro’s advice saved Moses from burnout (Exodus 18:13-27), and Nathan and Paul revealed David and Peter’s inconsistencies (2 Samuel 12:1-14, Galatians 2:11-14). God uses fellow believers to correct, guide, and affirm His leading.
On Thursday, we learned that God works in our lives unexpectedly. As Almighty, He cannot be confined. Believing that He causes all things to work for our good (Romans 8:28), we see that just as God provided a ram for Abraham (Genesis 22:13) and guided Joseph to the palace through life’s events, He uses what may seem like coincidences to lead us according to His will.
Friday’s article taught us to respond to God’s silence with patience. We often expect His guidance in specific ways, leading to perceived silence. Instead, we should revisit God’s promises (Hebrews 6:13-18) and remain steadfast in prayer (Isaiah 40:31).
Dear Believer, understand that God is more willing to lead you than you are willing to be led by Him. He is a master communicator and will always lead you in diverse ways and means.
It is your responsibility to trust Him completely, incline your heart to Him; to know and understand His ways, and be prompt in your obedience.
Enjoy your weekend!
Bible Reading Plan Catchup