“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Black or white? Up or down? Left or right? Now or later? Life is replete with contrasting ideas. The choices you’ve made so far have shaped who you are today, and the choices you make now will determine your future. Choices often come with consequences, and your choices could either break or make you. Therefore, you must make the right choices. 

One of the most important decisions an individual will make after salvation is regarding relationships. This includes who to marry, keep as friends and surround yourself with. The choice of who to spend the rest of your life with is a particularly delicate matter, and you should treat it as such. 

There’s more to marriage and relationships than what meets the surface. It is more than the initial romance, companionship or recreation (Deuteronomy 32:30). Marriage is a ministry that mirrors Christ’s relationship with the church (Ephesians 5:32). Therefore, choosing the right partner to accompany you on such a weighty assignment should not be done with the senses or feelings alone. 

It is important to choose with eyes wide open. That way, you can decide on the best possible partner for your journey – a partner you love and respect and who aligns with your assignment. However, choosing with God is the only way to get it right. Our anchor scripture encourages us to not lean on our understanding, but instead, rely on God to direct our paths. 

You ought to decide with God because He is the author of the institution of marriage, and His word- the Bible, clearly expresses His standards and thoughts on the issue (Genesis 2: 24, Mark 10: 6-9). 

What hampers a lot of believers from seeking God while choosing a spouse is the feeling that God is uninterested in their love life or relationships. That is untrue because God is mindful of us and is interested in every detail of our lives (Isaiah 49:15-16).  In as much as God will not choose for you, a good partner is a gift from God, so you should choose with Him.

Choosing with God is choosing prayerfully and by the standards of the word of God. Our faith is a lens through which we live, and choosing someone who aligns with this makes everything much better. The Bible was clear on the kind of person we should marry and the kind we shouldn’t (2 Cor 6:14-16). Choosing with God is trusting the wisdom in His word and maintaining the posture of heart required to run with His approval or disapproval of our choices. 

God’s word is the light that guides you towards the right decision in every aspect of your life, your relationships and marriages inclusive (Psalm 119:105). God is interested in writing your love story. Prayerfully seek Him and trust His word.  He will help you make the right choice.

Bible Reading Plan: Matthew 7

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