“So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11:22-23 NKJV


Can you imagine a baby learning to walk without attempting to take the first step? Will that baby be able to walk? Probably not, because attempting a  first step is necessary before learning to walk. In the same way, if we never take a leap of faith into what seems impossible, we will never know what God can do with our lives. 

It is a new year and this signifies a new perspective for all of us. In this new year, it is essential to have faith in God by totally trusting in Him and not relying on your way of thinking. It is paramount that you put all your eggs in His basket.

What has God said that He will do with your life in this new year? What prophecies have gone ahead of you? They may look unrealistic right now but always remember you serve a God of all possibilities (Luke 1:37). God always fulfils His promises, so believe that what He says He will do, He is going to do it.

Do not doubt the word of God spoken over your life. When you allow doubt to set in, you also give room for fear. The presence of fear or doubt makes it difficult to accomplish all that God will have you do. 

In Matthew 14:25-33, Peter was walking perfectly on water but became afraid when he looked at the mighty winds. His fear caused him to lose his focus on Jesus, thus causing him to start sinking. As a result of fear, Peter almost truncated this supernatural moment.

Jesus’ response to Peter reveals what the problem was, a lack of faith:  “…You have so little faith, Why did you doubt me?”  Matthew 14:31 (NLT). When we have faith in God, we can do everything that seems impossible. There will be no room for doubt.

You must understand that faith entails a belief in things you cannot see (Hebrews 11:1). Your imagination is limited, therefore, learn to focus on God’s ability by His Spirit on your inside to do beyond your expectations (Ephesians 3:20). You are not doing this alone, God is with you.

SAY THIS: I am capable of doing the impossible. I will move mountains this year! I trust the vision of God over my life this year and beyond.

Bible Reading Plan: Luke 1:1-40

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