“So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6 NKJV

Some people limit the move of the Spirit to spectacular experiences like falling under the anointing or seeing visions and dreams. Yet, that is not all there is to the work of the Holy Spirit in a believer.

 The presence of the Holy Ghost can count for something more tangible in your life. In the Bible, every man whom the Spirit came upon did extraordinary things for God, how much more you who has the Spirit within?

Through our anchor Scripture, we see God’s word concerning Zerubbabel for the rebuilding of His temple. Only the Spirit can enable and strengthen a man to accomplish God’s divine plan.

God’s Spirit in the believer helps us to thrive and make an impact, even in a strange land. The anointing can guide you in practical ways to see opportunities and influence your world for the gospel. You can be empowered by the Spirit to go beyond your natural abilities.

In the Bible, there are examples of people who did extraordinary things by the Spirit of God. In Judges 14:6, we see the Spirit of God come mightily upon Samson and he was able to tear a lion apart. In Exodus 31, God filled Bezalel with His Spirit for craftsmanship so he could build God’s Tabernacle excellently.  

Likewise, Jesus, our perfect example, was also anointed by the same Spirit and He went about doing good and healing the oppressed (Acts 10:38). The anointing is our greatest asset for making a huge difference in our world today. 

You must be conscious of the fact that the world system tries to pervert our perspective to the things God created. So, we cannot compromise our values but take a stand against them. It is time to take on a Zerubbabel mindset. 

We ought to become inquisitive about things that can cause change and make a social impact. We should get integrated into different spheres of influence. Take an interest in the media, economy, politics, education, career, etc. It is time to think outside the box and to take space with our God-given talents.

Remember that you are sponsored by the Spirit. As you execute creative ideas by the anointing, ensure to do it with excellence. Sharpen your gifts and skills, be diligent, and seek to put in your best (Proverbs 22:29).

Finally, remember that the Spirit of God fills us with boldness. You cannot afford to be timid in fulfilling your divine assignment. Influence belongs to the bold, so be bold in the face of opposition. The anointing of God will make you stand out.

Bible Reading Plan: Nahum 1-3

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