“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases,” Psalm 103:2-3

You might’ve come across this saying, “If you don’t know what you have, then it would not matter what you have.” There is the familiar analogy of a person who has millions in his bank account but because he’s unaware of this fact, still lives like a pauper. Ignorance can be costly. It is one of the devices of the enemy to make you lose out on what Christ has given you freely.

The devotional topics of this month have been curated to spur a disposition of thanksgiving in you for all the blessings available to you as a believer (Ephesians 1:3). One such blessing is healing.

People have different opinions about healing: some people see sickness as punishment from God for different shortcomings, some see it as a reward for great faith, available only to a select few, some others once believed that God heals, but no longer believe in healing because of inconsistencies in their lives and many more. But what does God want us to know about healing?

Time and again in the scriptures, we see that the nature of God is clearly revealed in Jesus (Colossians 1:19, Hebrews 1:1-3). This means that for us to know the mind of God on any issue, all we have to do is look to Jesus and how He related to similar situations during His earthly ministry. 

In view of this, when we look through the Gospels, we see that every time Jesus encountered a sick person, He was more than willing to heal ( Matthew 8:5–13, Mark 1:40–45,  Luke 17:11–19). This shows that God is more than willing to heal the sick. You must never doubt this.

Furthermore, our anchor text shows us that the theology for our salvation is the same as that for our healing. The same God who forgives our sins heals our sicknesses. In fact, salvation is sometimes metaphorically referred to as healing (Isaiah 53:5). Because God has saved you, you can be sure that He is more than willing to heal your body. 

Facts are not determined by experience. If you think God does not heal, it won’t stop Him from healing but it will affect the flow of healing in your life. Your convictions must not be based on experiences. As a believer, feel free to believe the Word of God and respond in thanksgiving. If you don’t know what you have, then it would not matter to you. However, when you discover what is freely available to you, you should respond with gratitude.

Dear believer, God is willing and able to heal you. Let your knowledge of the Word of God influence your experiences. Hold on to what the Word says and give thanks for it.

Bible Reading Plan:  Psalms 73, 77-78

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