“Be unceasing and persistent in prayer.” -1 Thessalonians 5:17 AMP

Welcome to the 34th week of our devotional recap. This week, we reminded ourselves to be radical for Jesus, studied what a life well lived entails, emphasised how to prepare for opportunities and build capacity in prayer. We then proceeded to learn the power of prophecies and words of knowledge.

On Monday, we started off the week by learning how to be radical for Jesus. Using Him as an example, we see how He demonstrated His love and zeal for His Father’s House (John 2:16-17). We have been called to live a radical life of faith and allegiance to God and His cause. It must be evident for the world to see. Our service to God must be with zeal and fervour (Romans 12:11).

On Tuesday, we saw that as believers, we shouldn’t define a life well lived from the world lens but by the word of God. A life lived without salvation is no life at all (Ephesians 5:8). Only when we receive the life of Christ are we truly living. 

Therefore, we spread this Good News to the world, announcing God’s work of salvation in Christ. If the work of God in Christ is the provision of salvation, then His work in us should be the announcement of salvation to the whole world (2 Corinthians 5:19-20).

Wednesday’s study was a reminder that discipline is required to maximise opportunities. In the Bible, two Greek words, “chronos” (sequential time) and “kairos” (opportune time), were used to describe time (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4, 9:11). 

As believers, we should be diligent with our chronos moments while we await our kairos moments. In essence, kairos is a result of well managed chronos. So, like David, we can face Goliath because we were bold to face a lion (1 Samuel 17).

We were stirred up on Thursday with the understanding of prayer. Prayer is not just a backend activity that produces results but a training ground for believers. It is an incubating room that develops our mind to see visions and build capacity to get them done (Matthew 26:39,6:6). Beloved, if Jesus prayed earnestly, how much more us? Prepare well in prayer and stay fervent at it.

Finally, we wrapped the week on Friday by understanding and learning that our words are not cheap. Our words are the currency of creative miracles and used to set the trajectory for our life. In Genesis 1:3, we see God speak the world into existence with words. 

Hence, we shouldn’t take prophecies and words of knowledge for granted. We are to pray over words received and speak them to existence (1 Thessalonians 5:20). Do not despise them, talk about them as you pray today.

Let’s learn to talk about our glorious future in Christ daily. Be fervent in the place of prayer, declaring all that God has spoken to you. Pray without ceasing. Pray in every season.

Have a great weekend!

Bible Reading Plan:

Luke 20:41-47,  Hebrews 1:10-14, Proverbs 19:1-14, Isaiah 3-5

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