“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,” – Psalms 23:2 NIV

One of the most fascinating aspects of the flock-shepherd relationship is the sheep’s absolute trust in the shepherd. They believe that wherever the shepherd leads is the best place for grazing and rest. Left alone, the sheep would likely end up in dangerous situations.

Now, let’s substitute ourselves for the flock and God for the shepherd. Just as the sheep trust the shepherd’s guidance for their well-being, we also should trust God’s guidance for ours.

From our anchor text, we can deduce that green pastures symbolise a place to cater for your needs, either spiritually or physically. The undeniable reality would then be that God as our shepherd cares for us and will surely point us in the direction that guarantees our safety and provision. 

In 1 Kings 17:2-6, Elijah obeyed God and stayed by the Brook Cherith. God, the ultimate shepherd and provider, sent ravens to bring him bread and meat every morning and evening. When the brook dried up, God directed Elijah to a widow in Zarephath who would provide him with food. At Zarephath, Elijah enjoyed a nourishing meal, and the woman, who believed she was down to her last meal, found her supplies miraculously replenished (1 Kings 17:7-24). This is the God we serve  – Jehovah Jireh. The Lord who provides (Genesis 22: 14). 

Let us also consider the provision of salvation. God made that provision even before we realised that we needed saving. As a result of His great love for us, He created a green pasture of salvation that we could possess by faith. What a good Father He is! Now, we have received the grace to lie down in His salvific green pasture.

God is not only concerned about your salvation, He is interested in every aspect of our lives, including the parts we term mundane. If He could protect Daniel from becoming the lion’s meal, save the three Hebrew boys from the burning furnace and protect and feed the Israelites all through the exodus from Egypt, how much more you, his adopted?  Rest in the fact that God is your shepherd. 

The big question is, are you willing to submit to His shepherding?

Sheep do not only follow the leading of their shepherd, but they also trust their shepherd all the way. Do you trust God to see you through that hurdle? How often do you seek the leading of God in your life, family, career, school, health, and relationships?

Ask God to lead you today. Open your heart and let Him direct your steps. Devote yourself to being led by Him and He will lead you to a place of rest and comfort.

He is your shepherd, and you, His sheep. 

What a privilege! 

Bible Reading Plan: Matthew 24:  32 – 51

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