“The Lord is my shepherd I have all that I need” – Psalms 23:1 NLT

Ants typically walk in a long, straight line. Did you know they secrete a strong-smelling chemical called pheromones? As they search for food or sense danger, the leader leaves a trail of these pheromones so others can detect and follow it, subsequently leaving similar trails for those that follow. This ensures they always follow the leader.

In what way does this relate to supernatural leadership? 

God is everything to us including our father, leader and defender. He desires to lead us in every aspect of our lives and our response is to follow completely. 

Your submission to the leading of God must be holistic. This means you should not only yield in some areas and shut God out in other areas. 

It is one thing to love the Lord and be aware of His ability to lead, but it is another thing to yield completely. Sometimes it is because we are not convinced that God desires to lead us. Here are some reasons why God desires to lead you. 

Firstly,  God is good and His love is steadfast  (Psalms 136:1). We should trust God to lead us rightly in every aspect of our lives. He will not lead us astray because He is mindful of us.  His plans are always in our best interest (Jeremiah 29:11).

Secondly,  God doesn’t want you to make mistakes or fall into errors. He knows the end from the beginning. You are safe in His will for you. You will not miss your way when you follow the path that God has prepared for you. Just believe that all things are working out for your good at the end of the day (Romans 8:28).

God wants you to make the right life choices. In a world full of so many voices, He wants you to listen to His voice and follow His command. According to Isaiah 30:21, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you, a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left. What an assurance!

Lastly, we have been created to do His will (Phil 2:13). A maker of an object has equipped it with the necessary capabilities to function according to his dictates. This essentially is how we must view the leadership of God. He wants us to do His will and fulfil His purpose on earth. 

The ants trust their leader and the trail of pheromones left behind. It does not matter that the last person in the long queue cannot see the leader, instead, there is an absolute trust that they are on the right track. 

Beloved, trust the Lord with all your heart and allow Him to lead you.

Bible Reading Plan: Matthew 24: 1-32

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