“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5‭-‬6 NKJV

Trust is one of the most important requirements for a romantic relationship to thrive. If you ask a lot of happily married people why they have stayed with their spouses for so long, even if the butterflies in their stomachs aren’t as strong as they were when they first met, they’ll tell you it’s because they trust this person to take care of their heart.

If we can entrust our hearts to a flawed being like us, how much more God? He has demonstrated His love for us in more ways than we can count, the most notable of which is the sending of His Son to die for our sins while we were still sinners. We’ve been talking about how to have a great year and what our roles are. This is a call to trust God with all of our hearts.

Our anchor scripture encourages us to acknowledge Him rather than rely on our understanding, and He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). Do you know why you can believe this scripture? Because God is more trustworthy than anyone you know.

Even the most loving relationships experience moments of mistrust and suspicion. They are in danger of ending. People who told you they could be trusted can still let you down. But not God, our Lord Jesus Christ’s Father.

Why won’t He direct your path if He can fulfil His centuries-long promise that Jesus will come and die for your sins (Genesis 3:15)? So, how do you react to Him? Have faith! Fill your mind with verses about His goodness (James 1:17), how He answers prayers and keeps His promises (1 Samuel 1:26-27), and so on.

God’s love for you has never been in doubt, but you may need to remind yourself of it from time to time because the devil will try to convince you otherwise. Don’t be taken in by his deceit. God is deserving of your trust.

DO THIS: Meditate on Romans 8:1, 31-39

Bible Reading Plan: Genesis 14-15

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