“For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit,” – ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬.

Have you ever heard this saying: “wisdom is profitable to direct.” The phrase is derived from the Bible, and in its context, it means that the right application of wisdom brings success. As a believer, you can know precise steps to take by the Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit are given for the edification of the body of Christ; thus, we must understand them to apply them correctly.

The word of wisdom is receiving God’s wisdom to apply in a situation, it is different from word of knowledge because the latter makes you aware of a situation, while the former gives you information to navigate. Our anchor text shows us that word of wisdom is a manifestation of the spirit, and this creates a distinction between human wisdom and wisdom given by the spirit. You have an advantage as a child of God; the Spirit in you can guide you through every decision you make. It is a gift God has freely given you.In Proverbs 4:7-9, the bible instructs us to get wisdom and states the benefits as a profitable gain that brings honor. While wisdom is the right application of knowledge in a situation, the word of wisdom is a supernatural gift given to the believer to direct us on what to do with the knowledge we have received.

As believers, we must desire this gift of wisdom because it is pure, sincere and bears fruit. (James 3:17)To consciously walk in this gift, it is important that you train your spirit through prayer, wisdom is given in the place of prayer. Before making certain decisions, ensure you always seek God’s counsel first (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Also, you must carry out the instructions when the Lord gives you. You can continually walk in divine wisdom.God has made His wisdom available to the body of Christ to help us navigate through the difficulties of life and our divine assignments.

In Acts 6:10, Stephen carried out his assignment of propagating the gospel, and he spoke by the wisdom of God. In Matthew 10:18-20, Jesus told the disciples that by the wisdom of God they will know what to say. Also, in Colossians 3:28, Paul speaks of evangelizing and teaching the word with all the wisdom God has given.

Dear believer, God is willing and able to give you His divine wisdom by His Spirit, and He encourages us to ask (James 1:6-7). The gifts of the Spirit are given for the edification of the body of Christ; thus, we must understand them to apply them correctly.

Bible Reading Plan: Joshua 19-20; Acts 27:13-38

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