“But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit.”
1 Corinthians 12:7-8 NKJV
Have you ever needed a solution to a long-standing problem, and a fellow believer who didn’t know what you were going through says something that gives you the clarity you’d been seeking? The solution probably wasn’t simply a smart or wise answer but seemed to be ‘heaven sent.’ If your answer to this question is yes, then you have experienced the gift of the word of wisdom in operation.
Yesterday, we learnt that the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom usually work in tandem. They are different gifts, yet they complement each other. Just as it is important to know by the Spirit, it is equally important to know how to apply this knowledge by the Spirit. And that’s where the word of wisdom comes in.
An example of these two gifts working together can be seen when Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well. By word of knowledge, He told her all about her past, and by word of wisdom, He invited her to drink of the everlasting well; thereby giving her a solution to the problem (John 4:1-25).
Wisdom is defined as good judgement based upon knowledge, but the gift of the word of wisdom is more than human wisdom. It is the Spirit of God giving a person good judgement, supernatural insight, discernment, and instruction concerning specific issues. It is, practically speaking, God’s wisdom, because it is His Spirit who speaks expressly through us.
This gift exists because God wants us to have it. It is stated in our anchor Scripture that the gifts of the spirit are ultimately for the church’s benefit. So, the gift of the word of wisdom is so that the church of God grows.
The gift of the word of wisdom is useful to every believer, and the Body of Christ as a whole. We need this divine wisdom for our daily living, when reaching the lost, when defending the faith, when dealing with unbelievers, and even when dealing with fellow believers. This gift can save us and others from errors, and also guide us through challenging situations.
Therefore, it is important that if you have this gift, you put it to use. Look beyond yourself and look to God’s agenda, as well as the edification of the Body of Christ. It’s like Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:26, when we all gather, we all must have something to contribute. You have the Spirit of God, and with His Spirit comes His gifts. Ask God to give you humility and a heart of service to be able to speak His wisdom.
Bible Reading Plan: Leviticus 17-18