“Giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ” Ephesians 5:20 NIV
Most people have been taught throughout early childhood to express gratitude when they receive a favour or gift from someone. In fact most times, the level of gratitude is proportional to the quality of the gift received. Sometimes we merely say “thank you” out of politeness and not truly out of a sense of gratitude.
However, from our anchor scripture, it is clear that God desires that we are full of thanks in all circumstances. Our emotions should not determine whether or not we think God deserves our gratitude. We give thanks when we feel like it and when we don’t.
Why is it then important to give thanks?
The gift of salvation freely given to us through the death of Jesus Christ is an important reason for perpetual thanksgiving. This is because we now have an understanding of the finished work of Christ and that through this great sacrifice we have been reconciled to God. We have eternal life!
We give thanks because it is God’s will for us (1 Thessalonians 5:18). God desires that in every situation we find ourselves we should never be without thanksgiving. As stated in Philippians 4:6, when we experience situations that cause us to be anxious and worried, we approach it from a place of thanksgiving.
We also give thanks to God because of who He is. God is good in all situations and in all circumstances. Everything about God is good and perfect and when we constantly reflect on his goodness it wells up thanksgiving in our heart. A quick look at the wonders of God evidenced in creation shows the goodness and kindness of God towards mankind.
Thanksgiving also helps us to recognise all the uncountable blessings that God has blessed us with. Sometimes, if we do not take out time to thank God we would be overwhelmed with the struggles of life and not see what God has done. Thanksgiving also increases faith in our hearts as we see a track record of God’s faithfulness to us.
Take some time to reflect and give thanks for every spiritual and physical blessing you have been endowed with and write down all the reasons to give thanks that you recognise.
Bible Reading Plan: 1 Samuel 28-31