“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,” ‭‭ Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

How many windows are in your house? Off the top of your head, you might not know the answer to that question, but if you need to give a figure, you can automatically visualise your home in your mind and soon, come up with a possible figure. What happens in your mind at that moment is the power of imagination at work.

One of the most incredible gifts God has given mankind is the power of imagination! This gift plays such an important role in seeing the overarching plan of God come to pass in your life. Every believer ought to take advantage of this ability to dream big for God.

Our anchor scripture asserts that God’s power in you can do more than you could ever ask or think. The use of the word “think” implies that even though your imagination can be exceeded, it has an important role to play. You must see every God-given vision with the eyes of the Spirit before it becomes a reality.

When God wanted to bless Abraham, He took him outside and asked him to count the stars; this was to expand his vision (Genesis 15:5). If God had told Abraham plainly to imagine his generation to come,  his natural mind would not have been able to conceive it, so God painted a picture His mind could conceive. You must learn to expand your vision when dealing with God. It doesn’t cost anything to dream, so dream big!

Have you ever imagined yourself living in fulfilled prophecies or answered prayers? The power of imagination can transform the faith life of a believer. If you cannot picture God’s plans for your life, it would be difficult to make decisions in that direction. You can wield your imagination by meditating on God’s word and the prophecies He has given you.  You should see possibilities as they exist in God’s Word and embrace them (Romans 12:2). In the place of prayer, God can expand your mind to conceive His plans for you.

Moreso, whatever you’re praying to God for must be seen by the eyes of your spirit first. If you trust God for healing, you must learn to see yourself as healthy and healed. If you’re praying for a breakthrough, you must first see yourself free and excelling. Limited imagination can limit the miraculous in your life. 

Dear believer, like Abraham, God wants you to see as far as your eyes can reach. Have expectations, and never underestimate the role of your mind. There is no limit for the believer; dare to dream big and watch every imagination exceeded by God. If God will work with you, your mind must be able to conceive greatness.

Bible Reading Plan: John 4: 1-30

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