“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:19-21 NKJV
Welcome to the 26th week of our devotional recap. This week started with a reminder to bear the burdens of others. We proceeded to learn about the perspective we should have on money and we concluded by learning how to be sponsors of the Gospel.
We started this week with a reminder to bear the burdens of others as instructed in Galatians 6:2. In this study, we learnt that we should take off the weight someone else is experiencing by being there for them, and offering our assistance in areas of their lives. We should always have the desire to bear the burdens of many just like Jesus Christ who bore the ultimate burden.
On Tuesday we learnt about ‘Money and Godly values’. In this teaching, we saw that our values should reveal our priorities. Our value for integrity should be more than the value we place on money and material things. It is God’s desire that our lives are defined by His word and not the riches of this world.
On Wednesday we were instructed not to trust in riches. We learnt that we should not place confidence in the wealth we acquire because we will not always be here to use them. We should not be like the man that trusted more in riches than in the Son of God as seen in Mark 10:17-27. Finally, we must handle our financial resources with the mentality that they come from God.
Thursday’s teaching was titled ‘Money Priorities’. In this study, we learnt that God desires us to treat our finances in a manner that reflects His priorities. This is done by meeting the needs of others and sponsoring the spread of the Gospel. In the same vein, we should take adequate care of ourselves and be prudent by being intentional about our savings and investment.
We concluded this week’s teaching with ‘Sponsors Of The Gospel’. In this study, we examined the need to influence the Gospel with our wealth because on the account of our giving, lives are transformed. Our mindset should be that our money is sponsoring the fulfilment of prophecies. We are to embrace the truth of what our money should sponsor, and do it wholeheartedly.
SAY THIS: When it comes to my finances I am not earthly-driven but eternally-driven. I do not lay up treasures on this earth but in Heaven. My money is used for the right cause!
Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 8:1-15, Colossians 2:8-15, Psalm 127, 1 Chronicles 7-9