“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”
Romans 12:1 KJV
Welcome to the 23rd week of our devotional recap. This week, we learned about consecration to the will of God in our plans and pursuits, the spread of the gospel, evangelism and the Lordship of Christ.
On Monday, we were reminded of the need for consecration in our walk with God. As believers, the moment we received the life of Christ was the moment we stopped living for ourselves. In Galatians 2:20, Paul explained that the life we have is lived unto Christ. This must be shown in our commitment to prayer and study of the word.
On Tuesday, we progressed in our study as we learnt that the believer’s sole purpose is to know Christ and to make Him known. It is easier to walk in God’s leading and the supernatural when we align with the purpose of God for humanity. This is primarily why God gave us His Spirit.
On Wednesday, we learnt about our role in reaching a billion souls in a thousand cities. A major role to play is to pray for the prosperity of the gospel in cities (2 Thessalonians 3 :1-3), for open doors into cities so that the message can be preached there (Colossians 4:2).
On Thursday, the essence of our existence as believers was further emphasized. Evangelism should be our response to the message that saved us. We must be accountable for it and tell it to others (2 Corinthians 5:17-18).
We concluded the week with a study on the Lordship of Jesus and how it should affect our lives. When we were saved, we were saved unto Him (2 Corinthians 5:15). Therefore, no part of our lives must be held back in submission to the Lordship of Jesus, and this includes our finances. We submit to Jesus’ Lordship when our actions are dictated by His word.
Conclusively, we have been called to live for Christ and His church. This must be evident in our devotion, consecration and pursuits.
Bible Reading Plan:
Luke 4:1-11, Ephesians 5:22-33, Psalm 119:81-88, 1 Kings 17-18