“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

– Ephesians 6:11 NKJV

Welcome to the 42nd week of our devotional recap. This is where we remind ourselves of what we learnt during the week. This week, we learnt how to put on the whole armour of God, as per Apostle Paul’s instruction to the church in Ephesus, and by extension, to us as believers today. 

We began the whole armour series on Monday by learning about the belt of truth (Ephesians 6:14a). The whole armour is important for the soldier’s total protection on the battlefield. However, the belt of truth is specifically important because, without it, the soldier cannot carry weapons. 

The word of God is our belt of truth and it is what keeps all our weapons safe (John 17:17). As believers today, neither the battlefield nor the attack by the devil is physical. It all happens in our minds and we have to be grounded in the word to be able to win the battle. 

Tuesday’s lesson enlightened us on the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14).  As children of God, we are soldiers in His army (2 Timothy 2: 3). Therefore, we must always be ready for battle. In a typical Roman soldier’s gear, the breastplate is responsible for protecting the chest region which contains vital organs such as the heart and lungs. 

Wednesday’s teaching reminded us of the importance of the right shoes for every function. And since we have been putting on the whole armour, our footwear is equally as important. Apostle Paul admonishes us to put on the shoes of the Gospel (Ephesians 6:15) as believing in the Gospel prepares and primes us for the race we have ahead. 

On Thursday, we took a deep dive into the shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16). Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Faith may come across as craziness to those who can’t comprehend it but that is the mark of true faith. Take the three Hebrews boys (Daniel 3:16-28) and David fighting Goliath (1 Samuel 17:44-47) as examples. 

We ended the week on a wonderful note on Friday by learning about the helmet of salvation (Ephesians 6:17a). Salvation is a gift bestowed on us by God because we believed in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:8), and its assurance is a sure defence against the devil’s arrows. 

While we await the return of our maker, we must put on the armour of God. The whole armour! Not one should be tossed to the side. This is the way to stay ready while on earth and to prepare our hearts for when we get to heaven.

Bible Reading Plan:

John 7:14-24, 1 Peter 5:1-7, Song of Songs 8:1-7, Lamentations 3

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