“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” – Luke 10:19 NKJV

While growing up, a significant number of us might have watched certain scenes in Nollywood movies where demons and believers engaged in a fight. In those scenes, the demon attacks until the child of God is exhausted then at the last minute, the Christian surprisingly gains enough power to defeat it. 

It is crucial to understand that the above scenario doesn’t accurately depict how you should exercise your authority in Christ Jesus. You are never powerless when the devil tries to harm you as the authority you have in Christ defeats the enemy even before he tries to attack.

The devil and his mechanisms don’t have a hold on you anymore.  From our anchor scripture, we can see that we have been given the authority to place the devil under our feet and nothing he plans shall hurt us. Oh, what a joy to know this.

There is no power or principality that is not under the feet of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:19-22, Hebrews 2:5-8). Guess what? It is for the benefit of the church, those who believe in Him and are partakers of the new covenant, you included (Ephesians 1:22). This means there is no power or principality that is not under your feet.

Satan doesn’t have the power to manipulate you and crush your peace and joy because he has fallen.  You have the ability to trample on the enemy.  

Now, you exercise your authority in Christ Jesus by surrendering to God (James 4:7). In being surrendered to God, you are where He would have you be, doing what He would have you do at all times, giving no room for the enemy. 

You should also be conscious of the power that lies in the name (authority) of Jesus Christ, embodying it as your identity every moment of your life (Philippians 2:10). In addition, discern the devil’s tricks and mechanisms, exposing them and superimposing the will of God by continually giving yourself to prayer, fellowship and study of God’s word.

Dear believer, no situation or circumstance is too big for you to overcome because you are greater than any mountain you will ever face. The Spirit of God living inside of you is greater than any agent of darkness, you can defeat them and put them in their place. Remember, they are under your feet!

Bible Reading Plan: 2 Kings 18; 2 Chronicles 29-31; Psalm 48 

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